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One of the most effective solution for Israel agriculture development

The main challenge for water in Israeli villages is scarcity, but the country has successfully adopted technologies - cleaning up about three-quarters of wastewater for reuse in irrigation.

In this case, it's a success story for an Israeli village's agriculture. It achieves more output with fewer resources, yielding a larger and higher-quality harvest.

It's cool to see how Israel's leaders handle the tough land, lack of water, and rough weather while making sure things work smoothly for their villages. It's also fascinating to check out how their tech helps in real life!

Israel's goverment's project in action.

Israel’s tech industry and management's focus on innovative decisions has propelled the success of Israel’s water technology sector. The thing is, these innovations aren't just for internal use—they're exporting top-notch water tech to help other countries tackle similar issues.

Mekorot Group, Israel's water management company, has been heavily invested in seawater desalination and groundwater replenishment since 2005. Their financially supported water purification systems process around 86% of the water, which goes into canalization for reuse. This approach makes Spain the second most efficient country globally in water management (with a 19% reuse rate).

So basically, between 1950 and 2006, the overall productivity of the village increased 21 times, but the water usage in the village only quadrupled. Israel handles about 93% of its freshwater and now uses about 86% of treated water for village needs. 80% of irrigated areas of the Negev desert are supplied with treated water.

After purification, this water is either used directly or released back into the environment. Treated water is being put to good use in municipal health initiatives, filling reservoirs for agricultural needs, recreational purposes, and non-drinking purposes in cities.

Water regeneration value

To ensure increased water demand and unconventional usage in recent years, attention has shifted to revitalizing and exploring new uses of water.

For recreational purposes, it's essential to have super clean waterwithout any doubt to use it safely.


Source: sareltours.com

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